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伊藤 悠吾/Yugo Ito/ダゲレオタイプDaguerreotype/湿板写真WetPlateCollodion/乾板写真DryPlateCollodion/ - Materialising the moments -
"Oblivion Terror" x "Craving For Existence" x "Physical Linkage" x "Impermanence" x "Physical Photography"

[+ Daguerreotype/ダゲレオタイプ/다게레오 타입]



다게레오 타입


His very first successful daguerreotype image and his hand-made equipment
나의 인생에서 가장 처음으로 성공한 다게레오 타입 셀프 포트레이트.



- The resistance to "Oblivion Terror" -

Daguerreotype process was the first practicable method of obtaining permanent images with a camera, in short, the first practicable photographic process in the history of the photography. It dates back to 1839.

This first photographic process requires very hazardous chemicals and it is extremely stern steps to make a silver plate sensitive to light. In addition, produced images are very fragile. However, they are simply marvelous. It seems like just life.

All living things leave offsprings. This is the principle of all living things. We are so fragile that we hope to leave offspring as a trace of self. However, only human beings have another factor why to do so, which is ego. Our egos resist from fading into oblivion. 

 In this fear of oblivion, Neanderthal man would have made a practice of burial. At the same time of acquiring a good memory skill, they encountered a fear of fading memories. Since this encounter, our egos started resisting "Oblivion Terror".

I believe that this unconscious tide constituted the source of photography. Our egos always crave for existence, immortality, and trace of oneself after death, and photography fills the craving.


The elementary particles of light "Photon" touched on me and created the image on the silver plate. I truly exist because my retina can sense the image created by the Photon. And one day, I will be said that he truly existed from people who see the image on the plate. Because, this image gets aged along with me yet it will keep alive after I am dead. I achieved this such very first self-portrait daguerreotype image by all my hand-made equipment. That was the most ineffable ecstasy ever in photographer life.

Oct 2016 


Ito Photo Studio / Tsushima, Aichi, Japan



[fade]These equipment is all hand-made.


다게레오 타입에 필요한 준비물을 모두 직접 제작.[/fade]



[fade]This is a 100% self-build darkroom camera in “Giroux Daguerreotype” style
used for Daguerreotype, Wet/Dry plate process and film photography.


self-build의 거대 암실 카메라로 다게레오 타입 제작.[/fade]






[fade]The first ever Daguerreotype photographs
of the Gyeongbokgung Palace in Seoul, Korea.


직접 만든 카메라로 대한민국 최초의 다게레오 타입을 제작.[/fade]




2017/09/23 - 18:17[/fade]

IMG_8518 2 5.jpg
Daguerreotype ダゲレオタイプ 다게레오 타입 ​​​​​​​銀版攝影法
Daguerreotype ダゲレオタイプ 다게레오 타입 ​​​​​​​銀版攝影法


Gyeongbokgung Palace

2017/09/17 - 17:34[/fade]

Daguerreotype ダゲレオタイプ 다게레오 타입 ​​​​​​​銀版攝影法
Daguerreotype ダゲレオタイプ 다게레오 타입 ​​​​​​​銀版攝影法
Daguerreotype ダゲレオタイプ 다게레오 타입 ​​​​​​​銀版攝影法



2017/08/17 - 14:54[/fade]

Daguerreotype ダゲレオタイプ 다게레오 타입 ​​​​​​​銀版攝影法
Daguerreotype ダゲレオタイプ 다게레오 타입 ​​​​​​​銀版攝影法
Daguerreotype ダゲレオタイプ 다게레오 타입 ​​​​​​​銀版攝影法



2017/08/17 - 14:05[/fade]

Daguerreotype ダゲレオタイプ 다게레오 타입 ​​​​​​​銀版攝影法
Daguerreotype ダゲレオタイプ 다게레오 타입 ​​​​​​​銀版攝影法
Daguerreotype ダゲレオタイプ 다게레오 타입 ​​​​​​​銀版攝影法


[fade]Left: Jeong HaengSook (정행숙)

Centre: Handmade wooden large format camera
(for Daguerreotype, Wet/Dry plate collodion and Film)

Right: Yugo Ito (Me)[/fade]

Daguerreotype ダゲレオタイプ 다게레오 타입 ​​​​​​​銀版攝影法
Daguerreotype ダゲレオタイプ 다게레오 타입 ​​​​​​​銀版攝影法

[fade]She assisted me with my Daguerreotype work and also learned it under me.
Now she has able to produce a Daguerreotype photograph by herself.
Probably, she is the first korean Daguerreotypist.
The following Daguerreotype images were made by her.

나의 어시스턴트를 하면서 다게레오 타입을 배운,
아마도 한국 처음의 다게레오타이피스트.
이하, 그녀가 제작한 다게레오 타입.

Daguerreotype ダゲレオタイプ 다게레오 타입 ​​​​​​​銀版攝影法
Daguerreotype ダゲレオタイプ 다게레오 타입 ​​​​​​​銀版攝影法


[fade]고전 사진 기법의 촬영 의뢰는 아래 사이트로 부탁 드립니다. [/fade]